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The People's University of Bangladesh

Education ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold
Farid Ahmed

Programmer ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold
Fahmida Islam

Assistant Professor ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold
Tofazzal Hosen

Lecturer ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold
Mohi U Ahmed

Lecturer ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold
Masud Reza

Chairman,CSE,PUB ||Author Level 1

1 Years of Membership Author Level 1 0 to 5 Course 0 to 10 Student 0 to 10 Sold